Contract Terms
This contract includes professional attention to Clients property by Seasonal Chores, Inc. Seasonal Chores, Inc. agrees to do the following, pursuant to the payment terms of the contract:
FERTILIZER PROGRAM: Program includes one season long fertilizer application with pre-emergent weed control. Followed by two post emergent weed control treatments throughout the season. Premium includes two additional fertilizer and weed control applications.
SPRING & FALL CLEAN-UPS: Remove leaves and debris from turf and landscaped area, Dethatch turf areas where applicable (Spring ONLY), cut back perennials with spring Clean Up unless otherwise agreed upon, Mowing and Trimming of all turf areas as needed. If weather prevents service on your scheduled date Seasonal Chores will reschedule service as weather permits. Note: snow may postpone fall cleanups until conditions improve or the following spring.
AERATION: Aeration is typically done in the fall, customers may elect to have done in the spring also. Customer is responsible for marking sprinkler systems, invisible dog fences, or any hidden obstacles. Seasonal Chores Inc. is not responsible for damage to unmarked Obstacles. Seasonal Chores can be contracted to mark Sprinkler heads for an additional fee ($35.00 minimum or $85/hour).
GUTTER CLEANING: Leaves and debris will be blown or scooped out of gutters. Downspouts will be checked and cleared of obstructions. Hourly rates will apply for screened gutters and severe clogs. Gutter systems that are pitched incorrectly or have been neglected are more likely to produce some unintentional messes. Seasonal chores, Inc. is not responsible for clean up of windows, siding, decks, etc.
LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE: Weed control in garden beds and landscaped areas. All seasonal landscape maintenance packages include Pre-Emergent and Post-Emergent weed control in landscaped areas. If signing up late in the season (after weeds have emerged) Additional hourly rates may apply.
IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE: Seasonal package includes: Spring Start-up (up to one hour + parts), Mid-Season Checkup or one Service call (up to one hour + parts), Fall Blow-out; up to eight (8) Zones, each additional zone $11.00. One time visits will be charged at an hourly rate of $130.00 per man hour + parts.
• Basic lawn mowing includes: trimming as needed i.e. around trees, shrubs, and other landscaped areas. Grass clippings will be blown off driveways, sidewalks and other hard surfaces.
• Premium mowing includes: Basic Mowing plus picking up sticks in lawn, double cut/bag/blow lawn for a cleaner appearance. Additionally, curb and driveway edging will be done as needed to maintain a clean curb line along concrete.
• Bagging will be done at the discretion of Seasonal Chores, Inc. Clippings, leaves, and small sticks collected will be spread in natural areas, or put in compost bin where applicable, otherwise hauled away by Seasonal Chores, Inc.
• Larger branches and storm debris will be removed for an additional charge.
• Mowing season depending on weather starts the first week in May and ends the third week in October.
• Lawns will be mowed every seven (7) days. In the event of a holiday or rainfall causing ground to be overly saturated, mowing will be postponed to the next possible day as determined by Seasonal Chores, Inc. Seasonal Chores, Inc. reserves the right not to mow all or portions of yard when: grass does not grow, dog feces are found in turf areas; sprinklers are on; Children/pets are in yard; gates are locked; toys, tools, or other items are in turf area.
• If lawn was not mowed, refunds or credits will not be issue by Seasonal Chores, Inc.
SNOW REMOVAL SERVICE (November 1 - March 31):
• Driveway stakes will be installed and removed by Seasonal Chores, Inc.
• Seasonal Chores, Inc. will measure snowfall at various locations throughout service area.
• Driveways will be opened by 7:00AM (for all snowfalls accumulated to two inches prior to 12:00AM of the same day).
• Seasonal Chores, Inc. will return after city has plowed to clean city plow mess.
• Seasonal Chores, Inc. will repair sod damage caused by plowing.
EXTENDED SNOW CONTRACT: Client has the option to extend snow removal services outside the standard contracted dates to cover October and April.
ICE MELT SERVICE: Seasonal Chores, Inc. will apply Ice melt as needed to prevent ice buildup for contracted snow events. Seasonal Chores, Inc. is not responsible for ice accumulation that occurs between snow events. Seasonal Chores Inc. is not responsible for damage resulting from the use of ice melt. Client can request Ice Melt service as needed for an additional fee of ($1.50) per pound for the first twenty-five (25) pounds and ($0.75) per pound for any additional product used in that same storm. (Prices subject to change)
NON-PRIORITY SNOW REMOVAL SERVICE (November 1 - March 31): Roof raking and/or additional areas specified will be cleared after any storm accumulating two or more inches. Typically the work will be completed the next business day after we finish our priority routes, allowing sufficient time to rest and recover from the previous storm. Service will be postponed for weekends, Holidays, during snow events, or before upcoming snow events.
TERMS OF PAYMENT: Client or representative agrees to pay all invoices to terms of fifteen (15) days net upon receipt of invoice. Payments received after the 15th day are past due, and will be subject to a $35.00 service charge per month past due. A $50.00 fee will be applied to any returned checks. Seasonal Chores, Inc. reserves the right to assign collection of any unpaid invoices to a collection agency, and may recover any and all reasonable collection costs, including attorney’s fees. Seasonal Chores, Inc. reserves the right to interrupt service if past due invoices remain unpaid. Seasonal Chores, Inc. will provide a thirty (30) day written notice of any changes to this contract.
*PLEASE READ: Seasonal Chores, Inc. is not responsible for damage to or as a result of objects left on or protruding into work areas. Seasonal Chores, Inc. is not responsible for damage of concrete, asphalt or pavers. Seasonal Chores, Inc. is a fully insured company, and is responsible for accident or injury that may occur to personnel while performing work on Client property, so long as such accident or injury is the result of the actions of Seasonal Chores, Inc. or its personnel. Seasonal Chores, Inc. is not responsible for accident or injury that occurs as a result of negligent or intentional acts performed by Client or persons under the control of the Client. This agreement does not circumvent any remedies available to the parties under law.